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Print: To-Do List

It's holidays! Woohooo!

I find it hard to keep track of what I'm doing on the holidays and all the plans I've made,  I like to make a to-do list. When I'm at school it's hard to know what homework I have due and when I have upcoming tests, I like to make a to-do list

Do you see where this is going?

... no ... okay ...

Basically what I'm trying to say is you need a to-do list to help you get your life together and remember important things. Luckily we have one for you that you can print out and stick up on your wall, locker at school, window, mirror or well anywhere really! This to-do list is super cute that you'll want to display it everywhere 💖✌️

Just save this photo and print

Xox Claudia 

P.S Claudia has a new personal instagram account: @claudiarose.b 

Because when two people with completely different styles share an account it can be hard to communicate and incorporate both people into the account. We both will still use this account so don't go anywhere! 

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