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Mystical Mermaid Toast

WARNINGÂĄ!: it's a little bit cheesy

Hi everyone! 

I know it's been a while since our last post... 😬😁 oops sorry! But we're back with a killer DIY.

So basically what this mystical mermaid toast is is toast with melted cheese that has been coloured into a mermaid like colour and then has been finished off with a little bit of coloured sugar. Before you say EWW let me just say that is exactly what I thought until I tasted it. The sugar gave it a little spadazzle that really evened out the tastes from the cheese. It does look gross while making if you choose a bad colour like we did. Ours literally looked like someone had barfed blue cheese! Ew. But it kind of came together in the end.

What you will need:

- cheese (enough for each piece of bread

- bread

- food colouring

- sprinkles 

Or if you don't have sprinkles use sugar and food colouring mixed together


Step 1.

cook your bread in a toaster (or whatever you have - like a frying pan)

Step 2.

Melt the cheese over a stove top and add one drop of food colouring of the colour of your choice

Step 3.

Once the melted cheese has been mixed with the food colouring spread it onto your toast


Step 4.

Finish with some sprinkles and Take some atheistically pleasing photos to send to your  mates or post on instagram

Thanks for reading, If you try this out make sure to tag us!

Claudia xox

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